- round
- круглый
имя прилагательное:
круглый (round, circular, rotund, orbicular, moony, cool)круговой (circular, round, perimeter, orbicular, gyrate, all-round)округленный (round, rotund)закругленный (rounded, round, rotund)цилиндрический (cylindrical, cylinder, tubular, round, terete)полный (full, complete, total, utter, absolute, round)мягкий (soft, mild, gentle, bland, benign, round)сферический (spherical, round, spheric, globose, orbicular, globular)ровный (smooth, flat, level, Even, straight, round)гладкий (smooth, sleek, plain, slick, even, round)прямой (direct, right, straight, outright, straightforward, round)шарообразный (spherical, spheric, round, conglobate, orbed)пухлый (plump, rotund, cherubic, round, padded, podgy)бархатистый (velvety, velvet, silky, round)приятный (pleasant, enjoyable, Nice, agreeable, pleasing, round)законченный (finished, complete, completed, ended, consummate, round)лабиализованный (round)откровенный (Frank, explicit, outspoken, open, forthright, round)резкий (cutting, sharp, abrupt, harsh, severe, round)грубоватый (rough, gruff, bluff, uncouth, blunt, round)плавный (smooth, flowing, fluent, liquid, running, round)быстрый (fast, quick, prompt, rapid, speedy, round)крупный (large, major, Big, coarse, massive, round)низкий (low, lower, poor, deep, short, round)энергичный (vigorous, energetic, spirited, strenuous, dynamic, round)значительный (significant, great, considerable, large, substantial, round)наречие:вокруг (around, round, about, circum)кругом (round, around, all around, about, all round, all over)по кругу (round)обратно (BACK, backward, backwards, inversely, vice versa, round)снова (again, over, more, anew, next, round)наоборот (vice versa, on the contrary, conversely, backwards, round, contrariwise)со всех сторон (from all sides, all around, all round, from every side, from every quarter, round)вкруговую (round)в окружности (around, round)вспять (back, round, conversely)опять (again, more, round)сплошь (entirely, round)кружным путем (round)целиком (entirely, wholly, bodily, en bloc, purely, round)в обратном направлении (backwards, backward, counter, about, round)в обхвате (around, round)по всей площади (round)по всей округе (round)предлог:вокруг (around, round, about, over)кругом (round, about)по (on, by, in, under, over, round)за (for, per, over, at, behind, round)около (about, around, near, at, beside, round)у (in, at, near, among, by, round)приблизительно (around, circa, in the vicinity of, round)об (about, on, of, upon, against, round)имя существительное:раунд (round, lap)тур (tour, round, lap, gabion, bout, dance)круг (circle, range, round, disk, disc, lap)цикл (cycle, series, round, circle, circuit, revolution)обход (bypass, detour, round, beat, diversion, flanker)патрон (cartridge, patron, collet, holder, socket, round)выстрел (shot, round, discharge, Pop, snapshot, outshoot)очередь (queue, turn, line, round, course, tail)окружность (circle, circumference, periphery, ring, round, circuit)партия (part, party, game, batch, lot, round)шар (ball, sphere, globe, bowl, orb, round)игра (game, play, act, performance, acting, round)кон (game, round, Kitty)рейс (Flight, voyage, cruise, trip, run, round)залп (volley, Salvo, discharge, round, flight)маршрут (route, itinerary, run, round, waybill)прогулка (stroll, promenade, ride, tour, jaunt, round)ряд (series, range, row, variety, line, round)круговое движение (circular motion, circulation, round, gyration)очертание (outline, shape, contour, cutout, form, round)ломтик (slice, round, pig)контур (circuit, contour, outline, path, profile, round)кусочек (bit, morsel, scrap, taste, wad, round)ракетный снаряд (round)ступенька стремянки (round, rung)очередная порция (round)глагол:округлять (round, round off, truncate)округляться (round, round off)огибать (skirt, round, turn, double, walk round, circumflex)обходить кругом (round, compass)лабиализовать (labialize, round)
Англо-русский синонимический словарь. 2014.